BCSC: Quarantine Update, Week 3

BCSC: Quarantine Update, Week 3 Quarantine requirements also reduced on buses Good evening BCSC families, On Wednesday, August 18, based on the high number of students being...

Jeff Gracey Resigns Ward 2 Seat

  Official Resignation Letter to the Brownsburg Town Council August 18, 2021 8:33:26pm   All, This email will serve as my resignation from the Brownsburg Ward 2 Council Seat....

BCSC Updates Mask Policy

BCSC: Masks Required PK-12 Board votes to make adjustments to COVID protocols Good evening BCSC families, Tonight, the BCSC Board of School Trustees voted to require the...

Co-Interim Town Managers Named

Brownsburg Co-Interim Town Managers Named Summary • Al Geans will supervise Capital Projects, Streets, Fleet, Water Utilities (wastewater and water) and public safety. • Deb Cook will...

B’Burg Town Council Accepts Town Manager’s Resignation

Jeff Eder Submits his Resignation Effective July 2nd July 6th 2021 Travis Tschaenn Brownsburg Town Council President sent the following letter today to Town Staff: "We wanted...

Brownsburg July Celebration

New Parade Route: July 3rd - 10 a.m. Parade begins at Brownsburg Highschool. North on South Odell Street to Tilden Drive. West on Tilden to South Green Street. North...

Elimination of Park Board Discussion @ Town Council June 24th

  Elimination of Park Board Discussion @ Town Council June 24th TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA DATE OF MEETING: Thursday, June 24, 2021, 7:00 PM PLACE OF MEETING: Brownsburg Town Hall 61...

B’Burg – Boil Water Order Lifted

Water Boil Alert Lifted June 16, 2021 4:30 PM Water is safe for all uses for residents who live on Adams St. between Franklin and Parthenia...

BCSC – Masks optional In-person instruction only

BCSC: Preparing for 2021-2022 Masks optional, In-person instruction only Greetings BCSC Families, We are making preparations for the 2021-2022 school year. While there are some logistical items...

B’Burg – Boil Water Order in Effect for Specific Neighborhoods

Boil Water Order in Effect for Specific Neighborhoods June 14, 2021 10:30 AM Due to a water main break, a boil water order is in effect...