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About the Brownsburg Sentinel

Brownsburg Sentinel — Mission Statement

To foster a comprehensive community conversation, across multiple platforms, that will help readers, public servants, constituents understand the issues most relevant to them and encourage them to form and share their own opinions, and act to effect change if necessary within the bounds prescribed by law.

Editorial Approach

This publication will maintain an unwavering commitment to serving the Brownsburg community and surrounding area. We will provide leadership in the form of intelligent reporting on information and issues of substance which effect the reader, and thought provoking editorial insights.

Frequently within our publications there will be opining and calls to action — arguments to support or change a policy or practice involving government, education, organizations of various types, or public and private civic leaders.

Specifically, this publication advocates for:

• First Amendment freedoms of speech, press, religion, petition and assembly, adamantly focusing on open government, freedom of information issues and being the watchdog for the Brownsburg community and surrounding area.

• Aggressive oversight and public examination to ensure open, effective, accountable government at every level, favoring collaboration and consolidation over growth in the size of government, and demanding transparent and responsible stewardship of tax dollars.

• Advocating for town budgets which adhere to the town’s articles of incorporation that reduce or eliminate deficits and pay down the town debt through a balanced strategy of reducing expenses and generating adequate revenue.

• Monitoring the actions of the Town of Brownsburg and Hendricks County regarding economic development, planning, zoning functions and other boards and committees to ensure those strategies, policies, and actions benefit the entire Brownsburg community and surrounding area resulting in more high-quality jobs for the city and region as a whole.

• Prudent reporting and oversight of Brownsburg School Corporation educational system to ensure that its policies, actions, and budgetary expenditures are directed to nurture the full potential of every child; Continuing to closely monitor, report, and challenge long-held assumptions about teaching and learning.

• Coverage of various community activities or human interest stories which instill a sense achievement and/or reinforce local, regional, state and national, pride and patriotism.