Home Authors Posts by David Weyant

David Weyant


Meet Your Councilman – Interviews

The following letter was sent on April 15th to all seeking election to Brownsburg Town Council.  The Sentinel does not endorse any candidates but...

Brownsburg Band Goes to Macy’s Parade in 2020!

Congratulations !!  Brownsburg Marching Band to Play Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!  Watch the acceptance and celebration of the Brownsburg Marching Band and Color Guard's invitation to...

2019/03/31 From The Editor

  April 2019 marks the 5th anniversary of this publication. Despite the slow progress made to date, actions of our public servants show there will...

Rep. Jim Baird Stops by for Coffee

Coffee w/your Congressman - U.S. Representative Jim Baird  March 20th, 2019 - All Content by the Editor  In the video below Mr. Baird expresses his enthusiasm...

Community Center Takes Shape

Brownsburg Community Center Takes Shape March 6th 2019 Meeting Highlights A meeting was held in town hall where the public was invited to listen to details regarding...

Community Center Pre-Design Meeting (03/06/19)

Date: March 6th Time 6:30 pm Where: Town Hall Council Room (61. N. Green Street) Brownsburg Parks and consultants will present an overview of how they have...

Eagle Elementary – Evacuation Drill TODAY! (02/28)

February 28th, 2019 12:30pm BCSC Families and Staff, As part of our ongoing commitment to school safety, Brownsburg Schools will conduct another evacuation drill this afternoon....

Town of Brownsburg to Hold Training Sessions for APC & BZA...

https://www.facebook.com/TheBruinHouse/February 18, 2019 Have you ever wondered about the roles, responsibilities, and the processes that happen in between public meetings?  Mark tomorrow 02/19 and 02/27...


February 7, 2019 BROWNSBURG – For the convenience of its customers, the Town of Brownsburg is making a change in the utility billing cycle. Starting...

BCSC Inclement Weather Policy

Brownsburg Community School Corporation Inclement Weather Policy  This publication has fielded many questions recently regarding the school's inclement weather policy.  The document below outlines the information...