Pit Stop BBQ & Grill

“This is going to be a bittersweet time for Dad and I. We have created a fantastic local favorite here in town and business has never been better. This opportunity is going to afford me time to retire soon and be able to spend some quality time with Dad outside of the restaurant,” Dad started in food service in 1961, the year I was born. I started working for him in 1976, which is over 100 years of combined food service. That’s a lot of satisfied appetites.

Thank you,
Eric & Harold
Additional details regarding the transition will be made available as they are known.
For information see their website at – http://www.pitstopbbqandgrill.com/
OR their Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/PitStopBBQandGrill
A Final Thank you & Good Bye From Harold and Eric
January 11th, 2022
Well it’s taken me a minute to get my thoughts together before I write this so here goes –
12 years ago, when Dad and I decided to open a restaurant in Brownsburg, the Pit Stop BBQ and Grill, we had just finished a 30+ year run in the catering business. We assumed opening a restaurant would be no problem. Although our prior experience helped, we still had a large learning curve. Over time and with a lot of trial and error, we are extremely proud of what we created: a local favorite with something for everyone on the menu.
I think I am most proud of the fact that for the past several years if you googled best restaurants in Brownsburg, you would find Pit Stop in the top 3 consistently. These rankings fluctuate based on customer reviews. I believe these rankings are due to a dedicated staff that genuinely take pride in their job and their customers they are serving.
The decision to close and sell the restaurant assets was not an easy one, we had come out of the pandemic in really good shape, business was as good as it has ever been, however it also gave me a chance to evaluate what my priorities in life are, Dad and I had talked prior to the pandemic and he knew I was looking to slow down and go in a different direction, 42 years in the service industry takes a toll on you, but the experiences and relationships made always keep you going, Dad said ” Make yourself a plan and work it” well an opportunity had presented itself and I chose to embrace it.
I want to thank so many current and prior staff members who were instrumental to the success of this restaurant. First there is Matt Wise and Bob Henderson, who came over from the Chant’e Clair French restaurant at the Indianapolis International Airport. For the past 30 years, they ran the kitchen there until it closed. Their fine dining expertise helped us create a very wide diverse menu in a casual setting. Although Matt left for a different opportunity a year later, Bob has remained from day one and is the heartbeat of the kitchen. Bob’s work ethic and detail in everything he does can’t be matched. He is never too busy to help a co-worker who may need his assistance. Ryan Mcelfresh came to us in 2012 and quickly became one of the best line cooks we have ever had. He can run every position in the kitchen and was being groomed for the GM roll. His touch is on several of the recipes, and I know his Chicken Tortilla Soup will be missed.
Mike Yount, 35 year kitchen veteran. Very few, if any, could match his line skills.
Kenny Baden came to us 5 years ago when he was still in high school, and is in the process of receiving his Culinary degree at 21 years old. He has a very bright future.
Rosie Woodard, I always joked with customers that she secretly ran this place. Actually it’s not a joke- I’ll probably miss her the most.
Amie Brown, day server and so much more, always willing to help wherever needed. She is the gold standard.
Jeannie Weightman has worn many hats in the front house and back house and does them all well.
The rest of the back house staff: Trey, Justin, Daysia, Ashley, John, Darian, Hannah and Luke- you all have very bright futures ahead of you.
Front house: Jenn, Angela, Mallory, Kate, Kelly, Nicole, Sue- You have all put your stamp on this place.
I want to also thank past employees that have made an impact, Alicia Polen & Brandi Wilkerson. Alicia joined us day one and Brandi shortly after. Although their career paths have changed, they have remained on in part time roles. They are the best. Thank you.
Lalo Garcia and Taylor Overmeyer, two kitchen employees who came to us when business was on the rise and stayed several years. Their imprints made a lasting impression.
Amie Herron, you were my right hand for several years and were instrumental in the growth and success of the Saturday Night Buffet, Salad bar and Sunday Brunch. Thank you.
Alyssa Gatlin, you were our very first employee before the restaurant even opened its doors. Your wacky sense of humor and love of taking care of your customers was vital to surviving some difficult early years.
Ashley Worley, your loving, caring nature in the way you took care of your customers set a high standard.
Carol Gibson, Emilie Payne, Kristen Mcguiness, Miranda Throckmorton, Kathy Morgan, Barb Conrad, Madison Godfrey and many more I am sure I have missed, you all did your part in the success of the Pit Stop.
Lastly, my son Tyler, you grew up in this restaurant. Your competitive nature in which you approached your job made other co-workers raise their bar, but I am mostly proud of watching you grow into the man you have become.
In closing, I want to thank our loyal customers for their support.
Dad and I will miss you all the most. Many have asked what my plans are now. I have worked every weekend for most of my life since I was 18 years old. I am looking forward to traveling with my wife Melanie and doing so many thinks that I have been unable to do in the past.
I also hope to do some things with dad that are not work related, the majority of our lives we have been business partners and I am looking forward to us just being Father and Son.
I will keep the Facebook page going and will give updates on the Rose’s new restaurant as they come available. And you never know- there is a good chance you will see Dad and I break out the Rib Shack in the near future.
Thank you,
Harold and Eric

Content: Pit Stop Ownership
The Editor
Article Updated – January 13th with Letter from Harold and Eric