BCSC: Quarantine Update, Week 4
The latest update on COVID cases and quarantines
Good evening BCSC families,
This weekly report has both positive and negative news. Last week there was an increase in the number of students who tested positive, moving from 60 cases in Week 3 to 73 cases last week. When looking at each of the levels—elementary, middle school and high school, each reported the highest number of positive cases of the year and higher than any week during 2020-2021. (For more detail, please see charts below.)
We want to remind you to check in with your children to see if they are experiencing symptoms before sending them to school. Symptoms of COVID-19 include (most recent update from IDOH): Temperature 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit or higher when taken by mouth, sore throat, cough, especially new onset uncontrolled cough, or any cough causing shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (for students with chronic allergic/ asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline), diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or abdominal pain, new onset of severe headache, especially with a fever, new loss of taste or smell.
Since moving to masks required on August 18, we are seeing fewer students being quarantined. During Week 3, there were 791 students quarantined compared to 528 last week, a decrease of 33%. Unfortunately, the 528 quarantines are still higher than any week during 2020-2021, when 396 quarantines were the high point for the year. Fewer students have been quarantined due to the radius being reduced from six feet to three feet in classrooms and on the school bus when masks are worn by all students.
So far this year 2,183 quarantines have been issued and of that number, 1,908 have returned. The remaining students are fulfilling their required quarantine time and are expected back in the next few days.
We will continue to take steps to keep students safe in this rapidly changing environment. Based on information we are receiving, we are hopeful and expectant that the number of cases will begin to decline in early fall, if not sooner. We will continue to provide these weekly updates.
Jim Snapp

Content by BCSC Press Release and The Editor