UPDATE: 12/09/2020 The traffic signal at State Route 267 and County Road 1000 N was activated this morning at 11:00. Use extra caution as traffic patterns have changed.
HENDRICKS COUNTY Ind. 12/09/2020 – The Indiana Department of Transportation announces the traffic signal at the intersection of State Road 267 and Hendricks County Road 1000 North will be activated Wednesday, December 9 at 11 a.m. Motorists are encouraged to be attentive to the new traffic signal at this intersection and use caution when driving through the area.
The picture above (taken Tuesday 12/07) does not show the traffic signaling equipment. The Brownsburg Sentinel contacted Debbie Calder (INDot Media Relations) who confirmed the installation and activation of the signals are scheduled for completion Wednesday 12/08 by 11:00am. Debbie said installation of the signaling equipment is normally delayed until delivery and confirmation of power services. Additionally, crews are scheduled to configure initial timing settings and monitor those settings periodically, and refining those timings as needed.
Calumet Civil Contractors, Inc. was awarded the $3.3 million contract. This project also includes resurfacing S.R. 267 from just south of Highland Green Drive, which is nearly one half of one mile north of I-74 to I-65. This work is scheduled to begin in the spring of next year and be completed by the end of August.

Press Release Provided by INDOT West Central Office and content by The Editor
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