BCSC: FAQ for Back to School
BCSC Families –
We are less than four weeks from starting the 2020-2021 school year. It will be a unique start to school with a heightened focus on student safety. Since our original guidance was shared in mid-June, we have received many excellent questions with most focused on masks and social distancing. Putting the guidance we received on these two important safety measures into the daily operation of school is challenging. Guidance from the medical community has played an essential role in determining our safety protocols for school which is reflected in these two key points:
- Face Masks or PPE: Face mask will be worn at all times, with very limited exceptions and only when directed by the teacher. For example speech instruction by the speech pathologist and at lunch. At all other times—riding the bus, passing periods and during normal instruction, students will be wearing their masks. If students do not have a mask, one will be provided for them.
- Social Distancing: It is impossible to provide social distancing of at least six feet 100% of the time in our schools. We will not be able to social distance on the buses, in some classes, during some passing periods at the secondary level and at lunch. There are more details on how we have arranged classrooms to provide space between each desk and adjusted schedules at all levels to lessen the number of students in the halls during certain times of the day. That information can be found along with an extensive list of Frequently Asked Questions (link below). This plan has been approved by the Hendricks County Health Commissioner and is a critical reason why masks need to be worn by all students and staff except for the noted exceptions.
CLICK HERE to view the Back to School FAQ ( see also FAQ’s below )
In spite of the challenges facing us this school year, we are excited to see the students again and begin another successful school year.
Jim Snapp
Back To School FAQ Follow Below 7 pages total: