May 1st, 2020 — Updated 2020 05 02 10:30
Governor Holcomb and his team laid out their 5 stage plan to reopen the state by July 4th. Progressing between the stages requires adherence to the “Back on Track” Four Guiding Principles:

• Monitor the number of hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
— The number of hospitalized patients state wide COVID cases has decreased for 14 days
• Retain the capacity to treat a surge of patients
— The state retains it’s critical care capacity for beds and ventilators currently at above 40% and 70% respectively. Those numbers must remain high to ensure availability to all, particularity those most in need.
— Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available to provide reliable access for these items to small businesses. A program will be announced later which will be open to businesses and non-profit entities with fewer than 150 employees registered to do business in Indiana will be eligible.
— The State will be distributing 300 million dollars to counties, cities, and towns via a population based formula. These monies are the first installment of the Corona Virus Relief Fund. More details regarding this plan are forth coming.
• Have the ability to test all Hooisers who are COVID-19 symptomatic
— Initial strike teams will continue to play a vital role. The state has partnered with OptumServe, to add 50 testing locations in strategic parts of the state. These sites will enable 100K more Hooisers to get tested per month, and aid in the early detection of new cases (CLICK HERE FOR TESTING SITE LOCATIONS).
• Have the ability to contact trace all cases
— Contact all individuals who test positive for COVID-19, and expand contact tracing. A new centralize contact tracing program is scheduled to be online May 11th. All new cases will be tracked in a uniform and timely fashion. 500 new contact tracing staff are coming online to manage the case load.
Since the onset of this pandemic, all actions taken by the Governor Holcomb and his office have been data driven. Constant monitoring of the metrics which roll into the four guiding principles will continue. Any detrimental changes to any of the above four guiding principles will result in actions dictated to address the negative impact to the factors noted above. As a result the target dates noted below may change.
NOTE: Local governments may impose more restrictive guidelines.
Stage 1
Since March 24th the state has been in stage 1. Some counties may follow differing timelines based on their unique situations such as Marion and Cass County will be delayed.
Stage 2 – May 4th
Roll out will begin over the next three weeks beginning May 4th. Marion and Lake counties will begin stage 2 May 11th. Cass County will start stage 2 May 18th. The delay is done to ensure the aforementioned programs are up an running.
–Those of high risk, 65 years or older, or others with known risk factors should remain at home as much as possible.
— Essential travel restrictions are lifted.
— Social gatherings of up to 25 people (while following CDC social distancing guidelines).
— State government offices will begin open for limited interaction with the public.
— Remaining manufacturing and other businesses not considered essential will also be able to open during this time.
— Retail and commercial businesses will open at 50% capacity.
— Shopping Malls may open at 50% capacity. Indoor common areas restricted to 25 people.
— May 11th – Restaurants and bars that serve food may open at 50% capacity.
Bar seating will remain closed.
— May 11th – Personal services Barbershops, Hair Salons, Nail Salons and Tattoo Parlors also may open by appointment only (while following CDC social distancing guidelines).
— Those who work in office settings are urged to continue to work remotely whenever possible. The Governor encourages anyone who can work from home to continue to do so during this time.
Indoor Worship Services
— May 8th — Applies to all 92 counties
— Indoor services may continue and may not have more than 10 people
— Specific social distancing guidelines continue to apply
— Those of high risk 65 years or older, or others with elevated risk factors are asked to remain at home.
— Virtual and outdoor services are preferred during this time.
Stage 3 May 24th
— Those of high risk, 65 years or older, or others with elevated risk factors may venture out cautiously
— Those who can work remotely, should continue to do so.
— Social gatherings of up to 100 people (while following CDC social distancing guidelines)
— Retail stores and malls may move up to 75% capacity
— Movie Theaters may open at 50% capacity
— Mall Common Areas (food courts and seating areas) increase to 50% capacity
— Playgrounds, Basketball and Tennis Courts, Pools Camp Grounds, Gyms, Fitness Centers may open with restrictions and social distancing.
The Governor and his team will remain cautious, and make the best decisions using the information available at the moment. In order to ensure it is safe to proceed to the following stages.
Stage 4 June 14th
— Face coverings will be optional.
— Social gatherings of up to 250 people (while following CDC social distancing guidelines).
— Large venues will be allowed to open, while adhering to social distancing guidelines.
— State government buildings will reopen to the public completely.
— Professional buildings and their office workers may return to work at full capacity.
— Retail Stores and Malls open at full capacity. With social distancing guidelines in place.
— Dining Room Services will open at 75% capacity.
— Bars and Restaurants will open at 50% capacity.
— Cultural and Entertainment, Tourism destinations may open at 50% capacity
Zoos, museums, bowling alleys, aquariums and like facilities
— Recreational Sports and Leagues, Tournaments may resume, Amusement Parks, Water Parks, and like facilities may open at 50% capacity.
Stage 5 July 4th
— The goal is for all areas of the state to obtain stage 5 by July 4th
— Even at Stage 5, social distancing guidelines are encouraged to be practiced.
— Conventions, sports events, State Fair, festivals, and like events will resume.
— Remote work will continue to be optional.
— Retail Stores, Malls, Restaurants, Bars, Night Clubs, Gyms, Personal Services, may operate at full capacity.
— Restrictions will be lifted at amusement parks, water parks and like facilities.
At this point Governor’s team decides the approach for the next school year.
Graphic showing the plans detailed above

Indiana State Guidelines for COVID-19 Readiness by Industry
These guidelines should be followed by employers, employees, customers & guests. Please click on the links below for guidance on how to prepare and/or what to expect going forward.
- General Guidelines For All Businesses
- Manufacturing and Industrial
- Retail
- Office Settings
- Restaurants
- Gyms, Fitness Centers and Similar Facilities
- Personal Services
- Link to All Industry Guidelines Are Found Here
Learn more about the Governor’s Back On Track Plan Here ( CLICK HERE )
Learn More about the Back on Track Engine Here ( CLICK HERE )
Learn More about the Five Stages Here ( CLICK HERE )
Learn more about various Industry Guidelines ( CLICK HERE )
Link to essential functions / industries may be found
Links to all executive orders may be found here:
This is a developing story and has been updated.
Content – Governor Holcomb Press Release
Contact Person:
Rachel Hoffmeyer
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