Coffee w/your Congressman – U.S. Representative Jim Baird

March 20th, 2019 – All Content by the Editor
In the video below Mr. Baird expresses his enthusiasm for being elected as the 4th District Congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives. He’s pleased with his committee appointments to the agricultural committee, science and space, and research and technology committees. He’s working to establish relationships with those from across the aisle. He provides a brief summary of his first few months and office, and the bills he is working on to date. He views his position as he is the voice for the people in his district. He wants to ensure their voices are heard. Plus more!
Wednesday afternoon Fourth District House of Representatives Congressman Jim Baird held a “Coffee with your Congressman” meeting at Flapjacks in Brownsburg.
Representative Baird provided an overview of his brief term in office. He discussed his reintroduction of the Building Blocks of STEM Act (H.R. 1665) targeted to get boys and girls interested in Science Technology Engineering and Math at an earlier age.
Residents discussion topics were as diverse as those in attendance. Those topics ranged from how to set aside partisan politics to work together to negotiate solutions best for our nation, gun control, stabilizing rising health care costs and drug pricing, and our country’s return to space.
Of key concern expressed by many ” How can we support you in office?”, ” Does it help you if everybody calls? ” , ” How do you hear us as we tell you how we feel on issues?”. Jim answered: “Absolutely It helps.” He went on to describe how he reads all communications received by his office via a written summary at the end of every week. He takes the information gathered from the communications into account and weighs it accordingly as a bill comes up for a vote. Jim also mentioned his team has opened a district office in Danville.
A member of the audience stated “I think you’re doing a great job, but we need to get the word out as you’re a relative unknown guy. We are doing our best to improve voter knowledge about their congressmen. We’re proud of you and we want everyone else to know that too.” And with that comment, the hour long meeting drew to a close with applause, shaking of hands, and thanking Jim for his efforts. Jim was off to his next meeting in Greencastle.
You can follow and/or contact Congressman Baird via the links below:

The District Office is located at 355 S. Washington Street, Suite 210 Danville, IN 46122.
Hours of operation: 8:30AM – 5:30PM. You can reach the office by calling 317-563-5567.