4/30/2018 – From the Editor


Continued from the previous edition.  What other items remain from the $9,866.00 on the town’s failed Amicus Curiae Brief? Again space limitations limits the detailed legal explanation of the filing. (1) Many question that the brief held any standing with the court at all. They suggest it is similar to winning 4 powerball lottery tickets in a row. (2) Grant Kleinhenz said in town council, the council had decided to approve the brief.  Those watching such matters closely are unable to locate a council executive session which aligns with the timing of the creation, discussion, and approval of the brief.  These same people wonder if the town violated the open door statutes. (3) At the beginning of the 2018 budgeting process, multiple residents requested upgrades to the webcast equipment including a higher resolution camera, the ability to “split screen” the web simulcast to allow those watching via the web to view the council and presentations displayed on the overheads, among other suggestions. While not saying “NO” directly, the town council failed to approve the web cast equipment upgrades.  The price for these upgrades you ask?  An estimated $10,000. This publication will leave it up to the public to judge which was a more cost effective expenditure of tax payer dollars:  the legal brief or the upgrades to webcast equipment.

For those in many forums who claim they were not included in the design of the new town center.  This month’s edition documents the RDC hiring the same consulting firm that has been retained to develop a town redevelopment plan which extends from Green Street to approximately 900E. This is how the plans for the Town Center were developed.

Finally this publication suggests you vote in the upcoming primary. It’s never been easier. Reach out to meet candidates of interest, email or call them.  Review their voting record if they are the incumbent.  Examine their qualifications and positions on issues if they are the challenger.  Cast your vote based on an informed position.  There are two times when public servants are remanded by law to listen to their constituents, the primary and the election. This is a right few on earth have the ability to freely exercise without fear of reprisal. — The Editor