A public service announcement from the Brownsburg Sentinel:
Ordinance 2023-11 is on the agenda for action at the next Brownsburg Town Council the meeting scheduled for this Thursday 2023 / 07 / 13.
The Town Council determined it is in the best interests of Brownsburg and the Brownsburg Parks Department to dissolve the Park Board.
The ordinance reads in part “the Brownsburg Town Council has determined that it is appropriate and in the best interests of Brownsburg and the Brownsburg Parks Department to restructure and reorganize the Brownsburg Park Board” [fourth Whereas clause].
The ordinance establishes the Town Council as the Park Board going forward--. It “transfers all authority to the Brownsburg Town Council as the “Park Authority”. Consequently, the members of the municipal legislative body of Brownsburg shall hereafter serve as members of the Brownsburg Park Board” [section 1].
The ordinance dissolves the existing park board — “All other membership on the Brownsburg Park Board, other than the members of the municipal legislative body, is therefore dismissed, and all authority of the Brownsburg Park Board shall be transferred and invested in the members as restructured by this Ordinance [section 2].
This publication as well as many area residents have expressed concerns regarding section 9 of the ordinance “This Ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage”.
What Can YOU Do? Please consider attending this town council meeting:
Where: Brownsburg Town Hall
61 N. Green Street
Brownsburg, IN 46112
Date: Thursday – 2023/07/13
Time: 7:00 pm
And/or Emailing the Town Council at towncouncil@brownsburg.org
The Brownsburg Sentinel has reached out to all members of the Town Council, Park Board, School Board, and Library Board seeking clarification on this issue.
This is a developing story and will be updated.
Please check back frequently.
Earlier attempts to dissolve the Brownsburg Park Board met with failure:
This administration has recently attempted to dissolve the Park Board with disastrous results.
The entire town council has chosen to remain silent, they have not answered any of the serious questions raised by this publication or area residents resulting from their prior attempt.
The lack of transparency by all parties involved is of greater concern to this publication and area residents.
A report on their earlier failure from June 22nd is titled “Comments Denied! Park Board Status” Follow this link >> CLICK HERE << to read the report.
Further compounding an already dire situation is section 9 of the new ordinance which reads “This Ordinance is effective immediately upon its passage”. The council desires immediate control of the Park Department.
It remains unclear how given the council’s prior actions, the council is prepared to immediately assume all responsibilities previously performed by the Park Board.
Some have alluded this is a Park Board Staffing / Performance issue
Who appoints the majority of people who serve on the park board? Town Council. Since by the council’s own admission they have been unable to effectively identify people to serve, direct and collaborate with members of the park board. It brings into question their ability to effectively oversee the functions of the parks department. If this is in fact an individual board member issue why not simply address the matter? Why dissolve the entire board?
The timing of final passage of the ordinance:
A public hearing will be held.
It is voted on once more at second/third/final adoption.
In short, after two additional town council meetings, the park board will be dissolved.
Before passage of this ordinance the council must effectively communicate:
• Make the business case to justify — why it is appropriate and in the best interests of Town of Brownsburg and the Parks to dissolve the Park Board
• Provide justification for expedited timeline and transfer of responsibilities
• The 30 / 60 / 90 day short term plan for coverage of all Park Board responsibilities
• Long Term Impact to Park Department operations and funding
• The new organizational and reporting structure
• Effective representation of School Board and Library Board interests
• Impact to the organization, operation, and fund raising capabilities of the proposed Brownsburg Parks Foundation
The proposed ordinance 2023-11 follows below:

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The Editor
Town of Brownsburg