July 21, 2020
This is a list of businesses and restaurants which require customers to wear face masks or similar coverings. Please check back as more businesses announce similar policies. Click on the items below in blue text to be taken to the companies website for additional details regarding their specific policies.
- ALDI (Beginning July 27)
- Best Buy
- Boulder Creek in Brownsburg
- Charbonos in Avon
- Costco
- Goodwill (Beginning July 22)
- Home Depot (Beginning July 22)
- Kohl’s
- Kroger (Beginning July 22)
- Lowe’s
- Meijer
- Menards
- Office Depot
- OfficeMax
- Old Navy (Beginning August 1)
- Panera Bread
- Petco
- PetSmart
- Sam’s Club
- Starbucks
- Stone Creek Dining Company in Greenwood, Plainfield, Noblesville and Zionsville
- Target (Beginning August 1)
- Tractor Supply
- Walmart
- Walgreens

Content by the editor
July 21, 2020 article created 17:30
Updated 2020 07 21 20:00
Updated 2020 07 22 11:30
Updated 2020 07 22 11:55