Fri 3/13/2020 8:18 PM
BCSC: At Home Learning
Food Distribution Monday Morning
BCSC Families –
Again, we thank you for your patience as we navigate this unique time. As we shared last night, At Home Learning will begin next week for BCSC students. The grades earned from this work will be counted in the 4th Quarter of the school year. Grades for Quarter 3 will not be certified until students return and complete the work for Quarter 3. PK-12 student assignments are being posted to an At Home Learning portal on the BCSC website. The link to this page will be shared with all families on Monday morning. The assignments will be organized by grade level or department. At the high school level, At Home Learning may re-direct students to Schoology for the assignments. Schoology is a tool that has been used by BHS teachers for several years and should be familiar for students. Assignments are not expected to be completed daily, but are expected to be completed by the end of the closure and turned in when students return. Students without reliable home internet access should email their principal or call their school on Monday, March 16th between 8am and 3pm to arrange alternate delivery of the assignments. CLICK HERE for a list of school phone numbers or call the BCSC Administration office at 317-852-5726.
BCSC school offices will be open from 8am-3pm Monday and Tuesday (March 16 & 17). The BCSC Administration Center will be open Monday – Friday, 7:30am-4pm (including Spring Break) ask questions, etc.
Monday, March 16th, from 8am-noon (or while supplies last) BCSC Nutrition Services will be offering bags of food to supplement your meals while schools are closed. BCSC families should arrive at BHS from the north via Tilden Drive (like a typical school drop-off day) and travel south on Bulldog Way behind the home football stands. Follow the path around door 14 and 15 for distribution. Look for officers directing traffic.
BCSC Health Services will be available for medicine pickup in all schools on Monday and Tuesday (March 16 & 17) from 8am-3pm.
Tryouts for spring sports at BEMS and BWMS had been scheduled for next week. With school not in session, tryouts will take place when students return. Optional practices are also cancelled next week and over spring break. All BHS spring sports practices are cancelled until further notice.
Family Promise of Hendricks County is a great resource in our community. They can provide rent and utility assistance, help with child care, transportation and other services. CLICK HERE to request assistance or call 317-296-3742.
To repeat what was communicated last night, we cannot predict the length of the closure. We will continue to share new information when necessary and encourage families to reach out to teachers and principals throughout the process with any questions or concerns.
Jim Snapp

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