BCSC: Future Plans
COVID-19 Update
March 13, 2020 7:43pm
BCSC families,
There are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Brownsburg Schools. Guidance was shared by Governor Holcomb today on the COVID-19 situation in Indiana and Brownsburg Community School Corporation will be closed for students tomorrow, March 13th. BASE (Before and After School Enrichment) and PEAK with Brownsburg Parks is also closed until further notice. The soonest students and staff will be back together in the classroom is April 6th.
Next week, March 16th-20th, school will not physically meet on campus. Teachers will be working tomorrow to coordinate at-home learning that will be posted online for Brownsburg students starting Monday, March 16th. These assignments will not be expected to be returned on a daily basis, but completed over the course of the closure. More communication and an FAQ will be shared with families tomorrow. BCSC Nutrition Services will also be supplying food to BCSC families to supplement meals at home. More information will be shared regarding this process tomorrow. School offices will be staffed tomorrow from 8am to 3pm if there are questions about necessary medicine left with the school nurse.
Spring Break at BCSC follows from March 23rd – April 3rd. At this time, we do not know the overall length of the closure. The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) will be providing more guidance on the waiver days offered by the Governor. We are working diligently to avoid a lengthy extension to the school year as we gain a full understanding of how to use these waiver days. We expect to communicate with families frequently to keep your students connected to school as we work together through this unique time.
Jim Snapp

See our expanding coverage of the Coronavirus Here
BCSC Press Release