Editor’s NOTE: — This article contains this call to action. Please take the time and make the necessary arrangements to attend the Thursday 10/24 Town Council Meeting at 7:00pm held at Town Hall (61 North Green Street). The agenda contains discussing various options to raise water rates, the proposed changes will impact the entire community, businesses, and others served by the Brownsburg Water Department. A summary of the proposal and the proposal itself are included in the article below.
If you are unable to attend please consider sending an email to towncouncil@brownsburg.org Include in the email a request to have the email read into the public record.
ARTICLE Begins: New business on the 10/24 Town Council agenda is consideration of an ordinance (on first reading) to amend Town Code relating to water utility rates. Town of Brownsburg water rates have not increased in 10 years, while expenditures and inflation have both increased. The need for new capital improvements to keep up with the Town’s growth and increasing water supply demands have also contributed to the need for a proposed rate increases. Based on a Water Rate Increase Study, the proposed rate increase includes the following: Jan. 2020 – 15%; Jan. 2021 – 10%; Jan. 2022 – 10%; Jan. 2023 -5%; and Jan. 2024 – 5%. It is proposed that on January 1 of each year beginning in 2025, a 2.5% cost of living adjustment will be added to the previous year’s rates and charges.
To read the entire proposal click below:

Click on the link to the right for the entire proposal (32 pages) >> CLICK HERE <<

If you are unable to attend in person, you may watch the meeting live via
If you are unable to attend please consider sending an email to towncouncil@brownsburg.org Express your thoughts, and include in the email a request to have the email read into the public record.
Content Courtesy of the Town of Brownsburg
Feature Image Credit – Photo by Skitterphoto from Pexels