BROWNSBURG, IN (October 2nd, 2019) –
Update October 2nd, 2019 11:29pm – Family members, friends of the family and WTHR are reporting the juvenile involved in the crash has died. “One person has died and three others were injured after a three-car crash Wednesday in Hendricks County” — WTHR. The juvenile was the passenger in the minivan who tragically succumb to their injuries.
October 2nd, 2019 4:15pm
A crash at a known dangerous intersection resulted in four victims transported. One of the four victims is in critical condition.
Brownsburg firefighters and paramedics were alerted to the crash at State Road 267 and County Road 1000 North at 4:15 pm, October 2nd, 2019. Additional reports from callers on the scene led dispatchers to send additional resources even before our first units arrived. Although 3 crashes were involved in the crash, one car received only minor damage. The other two vehicles sustained substantial damage. In addition to our units, an emergency department physician responded to the scene as well.
Deputies with the Hendricks County Sheriff’s Department investigated the crash at this known dangerous intersection, to which we are often called for serious collisions.
As of 6:15pm the accident remains under investigation.
NOTE: The article contains a call to action — Offering the public an opportunity to report their concerns regarding this intersection to INDOT. Please scroll down. — Thank you — The Editor

This intersection has been the site of multiple accidents.
Please consider TAKING ACTION NOW!
Fill this form out if you want a light put up at the intersection. Takes 60 seconds:
If you wish to report a concern you have with Indiana state roads, like this intersection, click on link –
From INDOT’s Link —
Use this form to let INDOT know of any roadway hazards, repair needs, or issues that you encounter on Indiana interstates, U.S. highways or state highways.
INDOT does not respond to reports containing profanity, obscenity, vulgarity, or defamatory or discriminatory language.
If you have an urgent concern, please call 855-463-6848 to speak with a representative.
Credit — Alyssa Burkhart & BFT

Brownsburg Fire Territory has served the Brownsburg area since 1942. The firefighters and paramedics of Brownsburg Fire Territory provide fire protection, technical rescue, and emergency medical services to a 52 square mile district in Northeastern Hendricks County, Ind. This district includes Brown Township, Lincoln Township, and the Town of Brownsburg.
Firefighter Jim Miller
Public Information Officer
Brownsburg Fire Territory: Ladder 131, B Shift
Indiana Task Force One: Rescue Specialist, Heavy Equipment and Rigging Specialist
Content provided by Brownsburg Fire Territory and the Editor