Brownsburg Hosts UDO Open House


Brownsburg UDO Review Process

The Town of Brownsburg is working on updates to the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The UDO specifies how projects get built. It contains regulations on structure height and size, landscaping type and quantity, and parking space numbers and size, among other items. Town staff is in the process of revising these regulations to bring them up to date, to remove errors and inconsistencies and to make the document more user friendly.

Public Open House Meetings Scheduled

August 5th, 6 pm Town Council Room
August 7th, 1 pm Town Council Room

The public may also comment anytime via an automated form or email see below:

Use this form to provide general and/or specific feedback about the latest Unified Development Ordinance Draft.

If you would like to provide detailed feedback, you may also type up comments/edits in a word document or similar and email them.

Project Status

A revised rough draft is available below after significant revision from Town Staff and the Advisory Plan Commission. Use the following links to view the full draft document or the chapter-by-chapter red-line markup copies. Supplementary links that describe the process and document changes are available as links after the draft. 

UDO Draft and Additional Content

June 2024 Full UDO Draft (PDF)
UDO Overview Supplementary Page and Comparison Map
Detailed Highlights of Document Changes

Chapter Redlines

UDO Draft Revision – Chapter 1 Redline (PDF)
UDO Draft Revision – Chapter 2 Redline (PDF)
UDO Draft Revision – Chapter 3 Redline (PDF)
UDO Draft Revision – Chapter 4 Redline (PDF)
UDO Draft Revision – Chapter 5 Redline (PDF)
UDO Draft Revision – Chapter 6 Redline (PDF)
UDO Draft Revision – Chapter 7 Redline (PDF)
UDO Draft Revision – Chapter 8 Redline (PDF)
UDO Draft Revision – Chapter 9 Redline (PDF)
UDO Draft Revision – Chapter 10 Redline (PDF)

Interactive Map

Click on the above image

Click on the image above for an interactive map to search for an address and toggle the existing and proposed zoning layers on and off. You can open the legend icon in the bottom left corner, view layers to turn on and off using the icon in the bottom right corner, and search for an address in the top right corner.


Use this form to provide general and/or specific feedback about the latest Unified Development Ordinance Draft.

If you would like to provide detailed feedback, you may also type up comments/edits in a word document or similar and email them.

This is considered a rough draft at this time, and further text editing will be ongoing to correct typos and fix formatting issues. Some images may be grainy due to the reduced file size of the PDF, which will be corrected in the final draft.


  • August 5 – Open house to talk about changes since the last draft
  • August 7 – Open house to talk about changes since the last draft
  • Late August and September – UDO public hearings (within APC meeting or as special meeting, depending on agenda size)
  • Fall & Winter 2024 – UDO forwarded to Town Council by APC
    *These project milestones are tentative and may need to shift to later dates.

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Town of Brownsburg
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