May 28th 2020 – Brownsburg
At approximately 7:15pm last evening, a customer attempting to park outside the Village Pantry / Marathon at 400N and South Green Street (267), lost control of their vehicle when their “fliplop” footwear jammed the vehicle’s accelerator pedal. This caused the vehicle to jump two curbs before coming to rest inside the Village Pantry cashier / customer service area.
Thankfully, there were no customers in the store at time; and the Village Pantry employee had just left the area to step back to the office. Neither the employee, vehicle driver, nor its passengers were injured in the accident.
A Brownsburg Police officer on patrol was first on the scene, followed quickly by equipment from the Brownsburg Fire Territory.

The business ceased normal operations, members of the store’s management team arrived shortly there after. All employees immediately began securing the site, making preparations for repairs and devising tentative timelines to reopen.
An inspection from the Town of Brownsburg deemed the building structurally sound. After a temporary repair today (05/29), the Village Pantry / Marathon is open for normal business.
Members of the Village Pantry / Marathon management team have contacted contractors, received two bids and hope to restore the building to “like new” within the next couple of weeks.

Photos and content by The Editor