The Brownsburg Sentinel extended a video interview invitation to both candidates seeking the office of Town Council Ward 3 in Brownsburg.
Brian Jessen

Brian Jessen (Incumbent Ward 3) as of today (10/08/2019) has failed to notify this publication if he has chosen to accept or decline our video interview offer.
09/17 We notified both candidates via email
09/17 Brian Jessen acknowledged receipt of the email
09/24 Brian Jessen was sent a reminder notice of our offer
09/26 Brian Jessen spoke to me after Town Council
10/07 Brian Jessen was sent a final reminder notice of our offer
Brian and I held several exchanges in social media since our initial offer.
10/09 Tentatively schedules meeting for 10/11 at 2pm
10/10 Speaks to me at the conclusion of Town Council
10/11 At 12:30pm requests to reschedule meeting, fails to provide new date/time.
10/12 — No Further Communication from Brian
We find his conduct regarding this matter confusing to say the least, as we received the following email from Brian, after we extended the same offer to all candidates during the primary election: 2019/04/29 —
“Again, we can sit down. But with Chris/Jeff and the Matt/Matt seats, I wanted to make sure they had ample opportunity.
Yes, it’s important for me to get my info on the record. Just trying to be considerate of their contested races.” — 04/29/2019 Brian Jessen
It is duplicitous for someone who advocated transparency during his first election bid, continuing while in office, including desiring contested primary races were covered, and his most recent campaign bid. Why he has chosen not to participate to date?
We will update you the public, regarding Brian’s position should circumstances warrant. —The Editor
The Sentinel does not endorse any candidate but hopes by providing this forum to all candidates, we are helping the citizen’s of Brownsburg make informed decisions about the candidates seeking public service.
Cindy Hohman’s interview follows, she’s the challenger in Ward 3.
Question (1) –
Please describe your near-term vision for the Town of Brownsburg. Please provide 3 specific actions / programs you will suggest to the other council members take to see your vision achieved.
Question (2) –
Please take from your campaign marketing materials your #1 priority you would like to see the Town of Brownsburg address and/or achieve while you are in office. Please provide specific actions you will take to bring this item to the forefront of the of the public’s attention, and see that this is placed on council’s agenda during your tenure.
Question (3) –
Are you for or against the town obtaining a city status?
If you are for becoming a city – Please concisely describe why this action is needed, the advantages to the average resident, the structure of governance you seek to put in place (if it differs from today), your desired timeline, and steps needed to take to realize the change.
If you are against becoming a city — Please concisely describe why this action is not needed, the immediate advantages to the average resident, and steps you will be taking to ensure the town council does not actively pursue this issue.
Question (4) –
Are you for or against the project commonly known as the “rec center”, “community center” or the “multi-generational center”?
If you are for the construction of a “rec-center”. Please describe your reasons why this is your position. Please provide three specific actions you intend to take support the Brownsburg Parks and the Town of Brownsburg, not only in its construction, but methods to ensure funding its ongoing operation (regardless of the outcome of the design study).
If you are against the construction of a “rec-center”. Please describe the reasons you hold this position, and how doing so is in the best interest of the constituents you are seeking to serve.
Closing Remarks-
Please provide any closing remarks to those watching the videos.
Cindy Hohman Platform Information
Cindy’s Promise
- Honesty, Integrity, Transparency
- I will not seek nor knowingly accept contributions from developers, builders, or anyone else doing business with the Town.
- Fiscal Responsibility
- I am responsible with my own finances and I will be responsible with the Town’s.
- I will treat your tax dollars like I treat my own finances. I live within a budget and I expect the Town to too!
- Multi-Generational Community and Recreation Center
- I want to break ground on this center in the very near future. I will work closely with both the Parks Department and the Town to secure the financing.
- Main Street Grocery Store
- I will work to attract a new grocery store along Main Street.
- Infrastructure
- I will combine common sense ideas with a transparent cost/benefit analysis.
- I will address a plan to lower sewer costs in the summer.
- Involuntary Annexation
- I will not force an unwilling annexation on an area.
- Town Council Transparency
- I will actively work to pass a Town Council ethics program.
- I will also work to make the website more user friendly.
- Economic Development
- I will pursue common sense incentives on projects without giving away the farm and return on our investments within a reasonable amount of time.
Cindy Hohman Campaign Contact Information:
If you have any questions, would like to strike up a conversation, or request a yard sign feel free to drop her an email.
This section’s content provided by the The Committee to Elect Cindy Hohman
2019 Vote Center Polling Locations
This is the year for Municipal Elections!
Election Day Is Nov 5th, 2019
This is the year for Municipal Elections!
Voting in the people that make a difference in your town!
What does this mean to Hendricks County registered voters?
Only the registered voters that live within Municipal Boundaries of the Towns of
Avon, Brownsburg, Clayton, Danville, Pittsboro, & Plainfield; and voters
that reside in the Danville Community School District
will be having an election this November 5th, 2019.
(The Towns of Amo, Coatesville, Lizton and Stilesville do not have and contests, therefore will not have an election this fall.)
Click Here For The State of Indiana Voter Information Portal
Check your registration status via the link above. It is too late to register to vote.
This section’s content provided by the Hendricks County Election Board
The views and opinions expressed in this interview are those of the candidate and do not necessarily reflect any views, opinions, policy or position of the Brownsburg Sentinel, it’s advertisers, distribution locations nor anyone else associated with the Brownsburg Sentinel.
Copyright 2019 Brownsburg Sentinel © All rights reserved.
No part of this article may be republished in print or online without the specific permission of The Brownsburg Sentinel.