2019 Vote Center Polling Locations
This is the year for Municipal Elections!
Election Day Is May 7th, 2019
Voting in the people that make a difference in your town!
What does this mean to Hendricks County registered voters? Only the registered voters that live within Municipal Boundaries are eligible to cast a vote.
At the Primary, on May 7th, only the voters of the Towns of Avon, Brownsburg, Danville and Plainfield will be casting their votes.

Click Here For The State of Indiana Voter Information Portal
Check your registration status via the link above. The deadline to register to vote in the 2019 Primary Election (April 8th, 2019) has past.
Content courtesy of Hendricks County Election Board
It difficult to rationalize the actions of those who claim to advocate transparency, increased communications to the public, if elected to public service, yet fail to extend it while running for office. Follow this link for details
Please exercise your right to vote. There are two times when public servants are required by law to listen to their constituents, the primary and general election. It is a right few people on the planet have, and are able to perform without fear of reprisal. — The Editor
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