The Brownsburg Sentinel extended a video interview invitation to all candidates seeking the office of Town Council in the Town of Brownsburg. This is Matt Bowles interview he is seeking the office of Ward 4 Town Councilman.
The Sentinel does not endorse any candidate but hopes by providing this forum to all candidates, we are helping the citizen’s of Brownsburg make informed decisions about the candidates seeking public service.
Question (1) –
Please describe your near-term vision for the Town of Brownsburg. Please provide 3 specific actions / programs you will suggest to the other council members take to see your vision achieved.
Question (2) –
Please take from your campaign marketing materials your #1 priority you would like to see the Town of Brownsburg address and/or achieve while you are in office. Please provide specific actions you will take to bring this item to the forefront of the of the public’s attention, and see that this is placed on council’s agenda during your tenure.
Question (3) –
Are you for or against the town obtaining a city status?
If you are for becoming a city – Please concisely describe why this action is needed, the advantages to the average resident, the structure of governance you seek to put in place (if it differs from today), your desired timeline, and steps needed to take to realize the change.
If you are against becoming a city — Please concisely describe why this action is not needed, the immediate advantages to the average resident, and steps you will be taking to ensure the town council does not actively pursue this issue.
Question (4) –
Are you for or against the project commonly known as the “rec center”, “community center” or the “multi-generational center”?
If you are for the construction of a “rec-center”. Please describe your reasons why this is your position. Please provide three specific actions you intend to take support the Brownsburg Parks and the Town of Brownsburg, not only in its construction, but methods to ensure funding its ongoing operation (regardless of the outcome of the design study).
If you are against the construction of a “rec-center”. Please describe the reasons you hold this position, and how doing so is in the best interest of the constituents you are seeking to serve.
Closing Remarks-
Please provide any closing remarks to those watching the videos.
Matt Bowles Platform Information
Issues Matt will address when elected.
The town has committed $13,625,487.00 for road improvements through 2023. This includes resurfacing, pothole fix, road repair. $50,000 is committed to sidewalk and AD access improvements and will proceed as weather and time allows. Striping of roads will commence once the weather warms enough for binders in striping to work.
Solid plan by the town staff with the exception of three things that I will focus on.
- We need to improve traffic flow twice a day at I-74 and Green street. A focus area for me that includes updating traffic studies, coordination with INDOT for project prioritization and discussion with MPO for funding. Projects of this scope go on a master list that is currently about 40 years out in priority and funding. We cannot continue to grow and wait for 40 years to address traffic flow at this interchange.
2, In the same vain I will open discussion with INDOT to push for another bridge over I-75 preferable to connect 700 N and CR 625E. Whitestown announced a major interchange that was accomplished in five years. Current list for a project of this scope is 40 years+ in priority and funding. Can Brownsburg add enough homes to support desire retail and support traffic flow.
- I will work with INDOT to get the trucks off of Green street. Together we will work with Federal DOT officials to get the truck route designation removed from 267/Green Street and suggest routing traffic to Ronald Reagan Parkway or IN 39 as planned.
Previously while serving on the Council, I was one of the two sponsors that introduced transparency to the town document process. We purchased a digital document management system Laserfiche. Thus began the digital document management process. While updates have occurred there need s to be more transparency in financial transactions and reporting in the town. After all, we are stewards of the taxpayers money
- I will work with the Clerk Treasurer to improve software and reporting tools so that we are able to better communicate monthly financial statements to the community.
- To assure the council is working in the best interest I will limit participation in Executive Sessions to matters of Human Resources and contractual matters requiring confidence. All other matters will be discussed in the public forum. Enough of the secret conversations and agendas!
3, I will encourage to Town to expand their presence in Social Media where and when appropriate. We need an APP!
Tax Dollars
I serve in the public trust. I believe in zero based budgeting. For those that don’t understand, We will not spend more than we take in. I will work to balance the annual operating budgets without borrowing money. I will remain conscious of the desires of the community to continue growing and improving. I will not enter into bad or onerous contracts that commit our future generations to large debt obligations.
Economic Development
If I am reading the recent TIF analysis correctly, the RDC has pretty much drained the North, Downtown and Eastside TIF Districts to build the new “urban core”. Committed for thirty years, we will need to attract new viable business to our community to rebuild our tax base. We will be competing with communities that have favorable planning objectives, welcome businesses, and have the ability to apply liberal incentives. Three possible barriers that I am confident we can overcome.
The IEDC is reviewing a SME Initiative (Small and Medium Enterprise) to attract business to Indiana. When I am elected, Brownsburg will be sitting at the table during these discussions. I have four areas of focus.
- RRP/I-74 Interchange 600+ acres are available at interchange. We will work with utilities in the area to expand and prepare of shovel ready designation. Once complete, we will host sight surveys teams to present our intent. The town has the finest advanced manufacturing entities in the state with our race teams. We will build off of this.
- 2. Lucas Oil Raceway 100+ acres ripe for development will compliment the race park. A concept know as Nitro Alley was previously developed. The time is perfect to offer businesses in the California racing community an opportunity to collocate or move completely.
- Main Street Utilizing community Development tools we will seek and secure infill opportunities for business that compliments future redevelopment on Main Street.
- Grocery Store We WILL bring another Grocery Store to town.
Public Safety
It is important that everyone feel safe and secure in this community. It is also important that the public servants doing the job to protect us return home safely at the end of their shift. We have two of the finest public safety departments in the State of Indiana.
I support continued efforts to keep crime out of our community and will work to secure our border to the East. I support continuing education and training by our Police Department to understand mental health issues facing our community.
Data shows have a gap in area coverage within our fire territory. I will work with staff to identify ways in which we can address gaps. A live can be saved if EMS arrives and treats within minutes. As the town grows, run time are expanding. Second, during major rain events, we have limited coverage west of White Lick. I will work to address this through additional interlocal agreements or possibly an additional station. I support added capacity for training at our fire training center. the world is changing fast, electric cars, natural gas vehicles, new housing contraction methods, town is growing taller. All this requires additional training. the Eagles Scout in me says “Be Prepared”!
Matt Bowles Campaign Information:
CELL PHONE – 317-370-8542 If you have any questions, would like to strike up a conversation, or request a yard sign feel free to call.
2019 Vote Center Polling Locations
This is the year for Municipal Elections!
Election Day Is May 7th, 2019
Voting in the people that make a difference in your town!
What does this mean to Hendricks County registered voters? Only the registered voters that live within Municipal Boundaries are eligible to cast a vote.
At the Primary, on May 7th, only the voters of the Towns of Avon, Brownsburg, Danville and Plainfield will be casting their votes.

Click Here For The State of Indiana Voter Information Portal
Check your registration status via the link above. The deadline to register to vote in the 2019 Primary Election (April 8th, 2019) has past.
The views and opinions expressed in this interview are those of the candidate and do not necessarily reflect any views, opinions, policy or position of the Brownsburg Sentinel, it’s advertisers, distribution locations nor anyone else associated with the Brownsburg Sentinel.
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No part of this article may be republished in print or online without the specific permission of The Brownsburg Sentinel.